Invited Speaker

Dr. Xueling Yao
Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory of High Voltage and High Current Testing Technology and Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, ChinaSpeech Title:
Biography: Yao Xueling studied in the Department of Physics, Zhengzhou University in 1983. After finishing her studies in 1987, she worked in Henan Institute of Technology as a teacher. Then she studied for master's and doctor's degrees in the School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. After received her doctorate with the thesis focused on the electromagnetic protection in high pulsed current discharging environment in 2003, she stayed at the School of Electrical Engineering of Xi'an Jiaotong University and was granted her professorship in electrical engineering in 2006. There she built an innovation team high voltage and high current test technology and equipment in 2012 and established the Engineering laboratory of High voltage and high current test technology and equipment in 2016. Her Granted Projects are financed by various foundations (National Natural Fund Project, Ministry of Education and provincial government) and industry companies.