Invited Speaker

Dr. Pallav Gupta
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, IndiaSpeech Title: Exploration of New Applications of Metal Matrix Composites/Nanocomposites Manufactured by Stir Casting and Powder Metallurgy
Abstract: New technology in current global world has propelled the researcher’s to look for new and advanced class of materials. Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) is such a new class of material in which ductile metallic matrix is added with hard ceramic reinforcement. Moreover, advancement in MMCs has led to the development of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites (MMNCs) which has the particle size of final product less than 100 nm. Among various processing techniques, stir casting and powder metallurgy are the two major routes for fabricating large scale MMC/MMNC products. The present talk will focus on the fabrication and characterization of metal matrix composites/nanocomposites using Aluminium, Copper and Iron as the matrix material with the use of wide range of ceramic reinforcements. Aluminium and Copper based composites were fabricated using Stir Casting whereas Iron based nanocomposites were fabricated using Powder Metallurgy. Property evaluation has been done in respect of structural, mechanical and corrosion behavior for the fabricated specimens. Apart from this an attempt has also been made to use the metal matrix composite as an efficient coating material. It is expected that developed MMCs/MMNCs will explore a new era for wide range of engineering applications.
Keywords: Metal Matrix Composites/Nanocomposites; Stir Casting; Powder Metallurgy; Coatings; Property Evaluation.
Biography: Dr. Pallav Gupta completed his B.Tech. (Honors) from Department of Mechanical Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow, INDIA in the year 2009, Qualified GATE in 2009 with AIR-3291 and then completed his M.Tech. (Honors) from I.I.T. (B.H.U.), INDIA in the year 2011 followed by Ph.D. in the year 2015 from I.I.T.(B.H.U.), INDIA. His area of research includes Material Processing; Composite Materials; Metal Matrix Nanocomposites; Coatings/Nanocoatings; Wear; Mechanical Strength and Corrosion. He also has a good command over teaching subjects like Material Science, Engineering Materials, Non-Destructive Testing, Metrology and Composite Materials.
Dr. Gupta has over 08 years of teaching and research experience. In this period of time he has published 40 research papers in peer reviewed international journals having good impact factor and 39 research papers in reputed international and national conferences in India as well as in abroad. Apart from this recently he has also published 06 chapters in books published by Springer. 34 students have completed their B.Tech. projects, 06 students have completed their M.Tech dissertation and more than 50 students have completed their summer projects and internship under his guidance. Apart from this presently 02 scholars have submitted their Ph.D. thesis and 03 scholars are also registered for their Ph.D. degree under his guidance. He was a recipient of several government fellowships such as UGC GATE fellowship, UGC Research Fellowship and UGC Junior Research Fellowship. He is a recipient of Students Awards-2014 and Publication Awards-2014 from I.I.T.(B.H.U.) Global Alumni Association, New Jersey, U.S.A. He also received International Travel Support from S.E.R.B., Department of Science and Technology, Government of India to attend and present a paper in International Conference on the Advancement of Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN IV 2016) held during 09-11-2016 to 11-11-2016 organized by Centre for Nanomaterials Research, Institute of Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA. Apart from this he was sanctioned sponsored projects from The Institution of Engineers (India) & Council of Science and Technology, U. P. under Young Scientist Scheme for his research works. Dr. Gupta also has memberships of several professional bodies like Materials Research Society of India, Tribology Society of India, Electron Microscope Society of India, The Indian Society for Technical Education etc. He was also Guest Editor of Special Issue on “Advances in Nano-Materials and Corrosion” published by Journal of Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science. At present he is Guest Editor for the special issue on “Recent advances on Nano scale Ferroelectrics and Their Applications” published by American Journal of Nano Research and Applications. Dr. Gupta has also travelled to several countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Riyadh for various academics and research activities. He also has delivered large number of invited and expert lectures as well as chaired sessions in conferences at various reputed Universities and Institutes. He is also subject area expert for evaluating sponsored research projects in the domain “Materials Science and Engineering-Metallurgy” under Israel Ministry of Science and Technology. Presently, Dr. Gupta is working as an Assistant Professor (Grade-II) in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida, INDIA wherein he has also held several major administrative positions such as Ex-Coordinator (I.Q.A.C.), Ex-Coordinator (Website Committee), Ex-Coordinator (Annual Academic Planning Committee), Ex-Chairman (NAAC Committee), Ex-In-charge (Non Destructive Testing Laboratory), Member (S.R.C. & D.R.C.), In-charge (Composite Materials & Engineering Materials Laboratory) etc. Prior to this he has also worked as Assistant Professor (Grade-I) in the same Department from 13-07-2015 to 31-01-2018. Apart from this he also worked as a Young Scientist in I.I.T.(B.H.U.), INDIA from 26-09-2012 to 08-07-2015.
On the basis of his research profile, Dr. Gupta presently has more than 675+ citations and holds h-index of 15 as well as i10-index of 23 as per Google Scholar.