Invited Speaker

Dr. Songqi Ma
Professor, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ChinaSpeech Title:
Biography: Dr. Songqi Ma is a full professor in Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He earned his PhD from Guangzhou Institute of Chemistry, Chinese academy of sciences in 2011. He used to work as Project Fellow and Postdoc in Hong Kong Polytechnic University and North Dakota State University. He has long been engaged in thermosetting materials, and has published 74 peer-reviewed papers in Progress in Polymer Science, Macromolecules, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Green Chemistry, ChemSuschem, etc. and 43 patents. He is one of the editorial board members of Journal of Renewable Materials and Current Green Chemistry and invitation reviewers for 40 SCI journals such as Nature, Nat. Sustain., Macromolecules, Green Chem., ChemSusChem, Polym. Chem., ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., Macromol. Rapid Comm., Chem. Eng. J., etc. His research focuses on Synthesis and property investigation of sustainable thermosetting polymers including recyclable thermosets (controlled degradable thermosets and malleable thermosets based on dynamic covalent bonds); thermosets from renewable resources; intrinsic green flame retardant thermosets; their application in composites and coatings.