Invited Speaker

Dr. Cengiz KAYA
Director, Research and Graduate Policies Directorate, Sabancı University, TurkeyProfessor, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabancı University, Turkey
Speech Title: Low Temperature Synthesis of Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide (B4C) Structure and Its Multilayer Polymer Based Composites for Neutron Shielding
Biography: Dr. Cengiz Kaya, is the Director of Research and Graduate Policies Directorate at Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey as well as a faculty member at Materials Science and Nano Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. He has received his BSc and MSc degrees from Istanbul Technical University in 1988 and 1992, respectively in the area of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. In 2000, he has received his PhD degree from The University of Birmingham (England) in the area of nanostrucrured ceramic matrix composites. He carried out his post doctoral studies at the University of Birmingham from 1999 to 2003 in the IRC (Interdisciplinary Research Centre) on synthesis and applications of various nanomaterials. He served as a board member at the London Materials Society from 2003 to 2006. He has worked as assistant Professor, associate Professor and Professor at Yıldız Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey from 2004 to 2016. He is currently holding 2 international and 4 national patents. He has published 74 research articles in high impact factor SCI journals in the area of ceramic composites, engineering ceramics, extrusion of multiphase ceramics, synthesis of nanostructures and coatings of functional materials. He has written an international book chapter on nanomaterials deposition. Dr. KAYA has more than 80 papers presented at international conferences as well as 13 invited talks on nanomaterials. He has received more than 2500 citations on his SCI publications. His current activities include synthesis of various nanostructures, such as tubes, plates and flakes for biomedical, engineering and storage applications. Recently, he has been leading a multidisciplinary project funded by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) in the area of "low temperature synthesis of boron carbide particles and its polymer matrix composites for shielding applications".